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An Analysis on the Existence and Prevention of Acid Rain
Essay: Chemistry
Introduction: First recognised in 1730, the acid raid issue is given a full sample essay titled An Analysis on the Existence and Prevention of Acid Rain for
Business Case Study and Situational Analysis of Applichem
Essay: Business
Introduction: Sample case study about Applichem, a manufacturer of speciality chemicals founded in Chicago just before World War II. A sample essay history and analysis from a student for
Case Study: Factors Contributing to AirAsia’s Success
Essay: Business
Introduction: This case study discusses the factors that contributed to AirAsia’s success. All from one submitted sample essay from a business student for
Sample Essay: Business Strategy Management
Essay: Business
Introduction: Business strategy management is an important resource for the development of the organization in achieving its targets and goals. This sample essay from tackles why....
Apple lnc, the iPod and an Advertising Campaign
Essay: Business Strategy
Introduction: This sample essay from a business strategy student addresses an iPod Advertising Campaign for earlier this century for Apple, Inc., about catchphrases, colour, pricing comparisons and more....
Mediation Within a Cultural Perspective
Essay: Communications
Introduction: Mediation within a Cultural Perspective. To better understand ourselves, we must understand others. This sample communications essay for tackles that....
SWOT and Business Analysis: Apple inc.
Essay: Computer Science
Introduction: A sample SWOT analysis from a computer science student about Apple Inc. This represents a sample of the academic writing services now available with
Eco-City: The Utopian Concept and the Harsh Realities
Essay: Environment
Introduction: The concept of “eco-city” is sometimes regarded as a utopian concept that is not possible to achieve in totality in the real world. This sample essay from a student tackles that notion....
A Business Analysis of Luxury Goods Brand LVMH
Essay: Fashion
Introduction: For this assignment, a fashion student offers a sample analysis of the luxury goods organization named LVMH. Only from
Film Studies Analysis on the Effect of Apollo 13
Essay: Film Studies
Introduction: Apollo 13 is a 1995 film based on the ill-fated 1969 lunar mission, based on the book The Lost Moon by Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger. Directed by Ron Howard....
Summary of Aircrafts, ATN and IACSP
Essay: Aviation
Introduction: Aircrafts throughout their journeys need to be in contact with air. A sample essay for Summarising Aircrafts, ATN and IACSP...
A Summary of Antibiotics
Essay: Chemistry
Introduction: Antibiotic was put forward by Vuillemin in 1889. In this sample essay, a chemistry student summarises antibiotics....
A History of Set Theory and Georg Cantor
Essay: Mathematics
Introduction: A sample essay about Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Phillipp (Georg) Cantor, a groundbreaking mathematician, and his involvement in the evolution of set theory....
Tata Nano: An Executive Summary
Essay: Animation
Introduction: Executive Summary of Tata Nano, the first car to be said to be the common man’s car. A sample essay from an animation student for
Motivation Theories Within Organisational Behaviour
Essay: Motivation
Introduction: Why are there multiple theories of motivation in organisational behaviour?
A sample essay about motivation from a student submitted to
Pantomime: A Musical Analysis
Essay: Music
Introduction: Pantomime sample essay at It is often regarded as a theatrical genre which is usually performed at Christmas time. ...
The Ecumenism Movement and Its Theology
Essay: Religion
Introduction: In a sample essay for, the researcher considers Church teaching about the Holy Spirit's desire to unite its followers in 'one flock under one shepherd' as part of ecumenism....
Full Business Analysis of Carlsberg A/S
Essay: Retail
Introduction: Full business analysis Carlsberg A/S (Carlsberg), one of the leading brewing companies in the world, in a sample essay....
A Breakdown of Sales Jobs
Essay: Retail
Introduction: A sample essay from attempts to break down the variety and nature of sales jobs available in the current economy....
The Rapid Development of China and India
Introduction: Is the Increasing Success and Growth of China and India’s Economy Since the 1980s A Result of Adopting Neo-Liberal Reforms? A sample essay investigates....
Why students should avoid AI essays, and what to use instead
Introduction: How AI detectors work, why you should avoid the trend of using AI to write your essay, and where you can get help instead....
Example Essay with APA Referencing
Essay: Referencing
Introduction: The following essay will provide a discussion of the importance of APA style referencing within psychological literature but also in terms of consistency within academic essays. ...
Analysis for Tesla's Expansion into Russia
Essay: International Business
Introduction: This report will advise CEO of Tesla Inc on whether to expand their official stores into the Russian market....
Strategic Issues for Apple in China
Essay: Business Strategy
Introduction: Strategic Issues for Apple in China according to one business strategy student. We offer SME-led academic writing services...
Coffee Consumption and Production Assignment
Introduction: and an assignment titled Coffee Consumption and Production - we offer SME-led academic assignment delivery....
How does UKDiss recruit and evaluate their writers?
Business Blss and Your Concerns
Introduction: A company process support article from answers the FAQ on How we recruit and evaluate our UKdissertation writers....
How do I know that UKDiss is a legitimate company?
Business Blss and Your Concerns
Introduction: A support article from explaining the nature of the company and our legitimacy for quality dissertation and academic services....
English Students: Important Notice
Using Our Services
Introduction: A support article about using the services of clarifies that due to changes in the Post-16 Education Bill, we are unable to complete 'essay writing services' for students who are studying in England....
What is my order status? When will my order be delivered?
Placing an Order
Introduction: A placing an order support article from tackles two FAQs: What is my order status? When will my order be delivered?...
Why does the writer need to quote to complete my order?
Placing an Order
Introduction: A placing an order support article from answers the FAQ: Why does the writer need to quote to complete my order?...
My amendments period will be finished when I get my results, will the writer still be able to correct the work if required? / What if I need to change my work after the 7 day amendment period has passed?
Guarantees & Aftercare
Introduction: A guarantees and aftercare support article from answers FAQs about your amendment period, corrections after seeing results, and changes after the 7-day amendment period expires....
I paid but it’s still showing as outstanding, why is this?
Placing an Order
Introduction: A placing an order support article from answers the FAQ - I paid but it’s still showing as outstanding, why is this?...
I want to refer a friend; how do I do this?
Placing an Order
Introduction: A support article from answers a common order-placing question: I want to refer a friend; how do I do this?...
Payl8r - How long does it take to apply/wait for a decision?
Placing an Order
Introduction: A support article from answers an order placing question/FAQ Payl8r - How long does it take to apply/wait for a decision?...
Is it cheating to use the essay writing services provided by UKDiss?
Using Our Services
Introduction: A support article from answers a common FAQ we often receive: Is it cheating to use the essay writing services provided by UKDiss?...
If I did hand the work in as my own, would my tutor find out?
Using Our Services
Introduction: A support article from answers a common FAQ we receive constantly: If I did hand the work in as my own, would my tutor find out?...
How do I cancel my UKDiss order?
Placing an Order
Introduction: A support article from, where we answer one common FAQ: How do I cancel my UKDiss order?...
Can I place an order on behalf of someone else?
Placing an Order
Introduction: A support article from tackles one of our FAQs: Can I place an order on behalf of someone else?
What methods of payment can I use?
Placing an Order
Introduction: A support article from tackles a FAQ we get regularly: What methods of payment can I use?...
Brand Building Process of a Luxury Fashion Brand: Methodology
Dissertation Methodologies
Introduction: This dissertation aims to study and analyse the Brand Building Process of a Luxury Fashion Brand: Methodology identified by Fionda and Moore (2009). This is the final Methodology analysis....
Brand Building Process of a Luxury Fashion Brand: Introduction
Dissertation Introductions
Introduction: This dissertation aims to study and analyse the Brand Building Process of a Luxury Fashion Brand: Introduction identified by Fionda and Moore (2009). This serves as the Introduction piece....
Brand Building Process of a Luxury Fashion Brand: Literature Review
Example Literature Reviews
Introduction: This dissertation aims to study and analyse the Brand Building Process of a Luxury Fashion Brand: Literature Review identified by Fionda and Moore (2009)....
Can Cyber Warfare Become a New Arena of Conflict?
Dissertation Examples
Introduction: This dissertation considers whether Cyber Warfare could Become a New Arena of Conflict. examines how widespread a concern this is to all nations or merely superpowers....
Rights and Duties in a Letter of Credit Transaction
Dissertation Examples
Introduction: This dissertation highlights the imbalance of the rights and duties of the parties in a letter of credit transaction - read more of this sample essay on Rights and Duties in a Letter of Credit Transaction....
Review, Simulation and Comparison of WSN Routing Protocols
Dissertation Examples
Introduction: This project aims to review the WSN Routing Protocols: LEACH, PEGASIS, DEEC and simulate them using MATLAB. The tool will be used to demonstrate Routing Protocols in operation in a WSN with varying number of nodes....
Strategic HRM to Improve Employee Retention in the Leisure Industry
Dissertation Examples
Introduction: This research study evaluates the effective implementation of strategic human resource for improving the employee retention within the leisure industry....
Cryptography Process for Secure Storage System
Dissertation Examples
Introduction: In this paper, we show how such information can be used effectively for the task of organization, the defence of the country and protecting the integrity of the work of the employees....
Integration of Technology in Higher Education
Dissertation Examples
Introduction: This paper aims to understand academics’ general attitudes towards using mobile phone technology in IHLs, to explore the academic's perceived usefulness to use mobile phone technology in IHLs and more....
ICT for Special Educational Needs Support
Dissertation Examples
Introduction: Information and Communications Technology (ICT) uses computers in education and offers enormous potential to teachers and pupils. Sample essay on why ICT for Special Educational Needs Support....
Health Disparities in Prostate Cancer: An Immunobiological Perspective
Dissertation Examples
Introduction: Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most commonly diagnosed male malignancy and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in men older than 40 years in the United States....
Issues in UK Mental Health Laws
Essay: Medical Law
Introduction: A sample essay from a student about Issues in UK Mental Health Laws - turn to for expert-led academic writing services on subjects such as Medical Law....
Legislation Analysis of the Clean Air Act of 1990
Essay: Environmental Law
Introduction: The CAA has been through a decade-long battle of difficult negotiations and is known to be the toughest environmental law in American history....
Indecent Images of Children (IIoC) Legislation
Essay: Criminal Law
Introduction: The most recent addition to the law of IIoC was made via section 64 of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009....
What Lecturers Look For in Your Law Essay
Law Essay Study Guides
Introduction: shares What Lecturers Will Look For In Your Law Essay. To start with, what is required depends on the law assignment and the university you attend....
Structure Of Law Essays and Reports
Law Essay Study Guides
Introduction: Read the Guide to the Structure Of Law Essays and Reports. The bare minimum requirements of a law essay are an introduction, a body and a conclusion. We advise you on the rest....
Using Punctuation Correctly In Your Law Essay
Law Essay Study Guides
Introduction: Using Punctuation Correctly In Your Law Essay with Punctuation helps to keep your writing flowing smoothly and makes it more understandable to the reader. ...
Planning Your Law Essay
Law Essay Study Guides
Introduction: guides you in Planning Your Law Essay. The next step is to plan your essay: as we identified, the minimum requirements will be an introduction, body and conclusion....
Interpreting Law Essay Questions
Law Essay Study Guides
Introduction: The first step with a law essay question is to identify what exactly you are being asked to do. Read the Interpreting Law Essay Questions guide from
Final Law Essay Evaluation
Law Essay Study Guides
Introduction: offers a guide to your Final Essay Evaluation. Initially, this will be to check your spelling and grammar, but you must also consider some common mistakes....
Writing a Law Dissertation To Length
Law Dissertation Study Guides
Introduction: Law Dissertation Writing Help and guidance are now available with In this guide, we walk you through Writing Dissertations To Length of Expectations....
Example Law Dissertation Structure
Law Dissertation Study Guides
Introduction: offers a guide on the Writing Structure For Law Dissertations. Although it will depend very much on what you are presenting, the following is an acceptable structure....
Law Dissertation Referencing
Law Dissertation Study Guides
Introduction: Each university has a different referencing system and indeed, the referencing requirements for each course may vary still, so you need to check your individual course guidelines....
How To Avoid Plagiarism In Your Dissertation
Law Dissertation Study Guides
Introduction: Your university will have their own guidelines on plagiarism which you should familiarise yourself with, but in short, your lecturers will be looking for original work....
Legal Dissertation Writing Style
Law Dissertation Study Guides
Introduction: Legal writing dissertations are unique and unlike any other writing style you might experience. guides you through the expectations for law writing style dissertations....
Calculating Your Dissertation Grade
Law Dissertation Study Guides
Introduction: The following is a rough guide as to the characteristics of each grade band (the actual percentages will depend on your university grading system), Calculating Your Dissertation Grade....
Obligation in English Law
Essay: English Legal System
Introduction: Titled Obligation in English Law, this sample essay for in the English legal system tackles thr strength of trust law....
The Liberation of Women
Essay: Human Rights Law
Introduction: A sample essay in human rights law titled The Liberation of Women, including the roots of feminism and case law dating to John Stuart Mill's ...
Multinationals and Corporate Governance
Essay: Business Law
Introduction: offers a sample essay in business law titled Multinationals and Corporate Governance and the importance of OECD Guidelines....
Governs Property and Financial Provision
Essay: Properties and Trusts
Introduction: offers a sample essay within properties and trusts in UK Law about Governs Property and Financial Provisions, and why any/all reform should be set at a lower threshold....
EU Internal Market
Essay: EU Law
Introduction: Here on, a sample essay in EU Law about the EU Internal Market....
EU Money Laundering Directive
Essay: EU Law
Introduction: tackles the Passing Of The 3rd E.U. Money Laundering Directive and how effective the EU Laws now in existence truly are....
Legal System of Jamaica
Essay: Judicial Law
Introduction: A judicial law sample essay from tackling the Legal System of Jamaica, including its origins in UK law and more....
Law of Defamation
Essay: Criminal Law
Introduction: A criminal law sample essay for encompasses the laws of defamation for UK Law and EU Law....
ADR and Mediation
Essay: Criminal Law
Introduction: A criminal law sample ssay for titled ADR and Meditation....
Alternative Dispute Resolution in Arbitration Law
Essay: Arbitration Law
Introduction: Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) has several definitions and examines it within the confines of arbitration law....
Hip Prosthesis Simulation for Total Hip Replacement
Nursing Essays
Introduction: In this report, the hip prosthesis is tested with the force 500 N, normal to the femoral head, with fixed femoral stem using simulation in SolidWorks 2018....
Acute Inflammation - Bacterial Meningitis
Nursing Essays
Introduction: The report highlights the cause of bacterial meningitis and generally covers the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of the disease....
The role of a Special Needs Assistant (SNA)
Nursing Assignments
Introduction: This report will outline the role of a Special Needs Assistant (SNA), it will look at the qualities and skills required to fulfil the role. It will also explore the function of multidisciplinary teams and its members. It will also look briefly at the legislation and policies governing working with children and adults with special needs and their rights...
Report on Nursing Home Health and Safety
Nursing Assignments
Introduction: This report is presented to the Committee to inform about safety and health practices at work and point out hazards that have been identified in our nursing home. I will conclude with a plan of action on how to control each hazard and prevent them from appearing again in the future....
To what extent is a lack of nurses affecting the NHS?
Nursing Assignments
Introduction: For this project, I've chosen to look at how the NHS is affected by a nurse shortage in hospitals. The reasons for the nursing shortage are various and are causing concern....
Personal Account of a Day as a Care Home Healthcare Assistant
Nursing Essays
Introduction: A summary of health and safety in a healthcare setting and a report on activity selection for care home residents....
Reflection on Relationships That Develop in Care Work
Reflective Essays
Introduction: Reflection on relationships and interpersonal issues, such as recognising diversity and individuality, that develop in care work....
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury
Nursing Case Studies
Introduction: The case of a 24 year old kick-boxer with history of a non-contact knee injury with minor complaints is studied to show the difference in clinical findings and imaging....
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Provisional Social Anxiety Disorder
Nursing Case Studies
Introduction: A detailed case formulation, literature review, treatment goals and treatment plan for a client diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and provisional Social Anxiety Disorder....
Major Depressive Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment Plan Case Study
Nursing Case Studies
Introduction: A case study of a mental health patient that reports “I have been feeling depressed, anxious, and under stress”....
Schön's Theories on the Reflective Practitioner
Reflective Essays
Introduction: Reflections on the instability and conflict this novel and unfamiliar internal experience has provoked and ultimately how it has shaped me as a professional.
– Hoff, 1992
Nursing Self-Development in Placement Experiences
Reflective Essays
Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to reflect on my understanding and critically demonstrate my awareness and self-development as a student nurse all through my recent placement experiences....
Occupational Therapy Case Study
Nursing Case Studies
Introduction: Tim was born at 35 weeks and remained in intensive care for 6 months post birth. This is relevant as a pre-term birth increases the risk of delayed neurodevelopment....
Multiple Sclerosis Overview: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments
Nursing Essays
Introduction: An overview of Multiple Sclerosis including the symptoms, causes, and treatments. ...
Women's Heart Health Promotion
Nursing Essays
Introduction: In this paper, a health promotion plan on Heart Disease in Women, which is one of the objectives of the New Zealand Health strategies will be presented....
Implementing Healthcare Policies
Nursing Essays
Introduction: Health policy is a series plan of action assumed by governments or healthcare groups to achieve a desired health outcome....
Effect of Buprenorphine on Postoperative Pain Levels
Nursing Literature Reviews
Introduction: In recent years, buprenorphine has become an increasingly popular choice for managing opioid dependence; however, buprenorphine’s unique mechanism of action can make treating acute pain more complicated....
Essay on Spinal Cord Injury
Nursing Essays
Introduction: Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a sudden and debilitating event, with life-changing consequences including loss of motor function, often resulting in paralysis, for which there is currently no adequate treatment....
Vitamin K and Cardiovascular Health
Nursing Essays
Introduction: Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be found in many foods. The two natural forms of vitamin K in food are phylloquinone (vitamin K1) and menaquinones (vitamin K2)....
Essay on Mobile Phones and Cancer
Nursing Essays
Introduction: The claim “mobile phones cause cancer” has a variety of topics that can be researched. The first aspect is ‘What type of radiation does a mobile phone emit?’...
Essay on Male Victims of Sexual Violence
Nursing Essays
Introduction: Sexual assault is an on-going epidemic issue with no end in sight. Healthcare providers are in constant search for opportunities to improve prevention through education and response to sexual assault. ...
Critical Appraisal Using CASP
Nursing Essays
Introduction: This treatise critically appraises a published research paper, specifically relating to trauma in the pre hospital environment. I have utilised the CASP tool (Critical Appraisal Skills Programme)...
Research on Disability Discrimination
Nursing Essays
Introduction: Research into North Africa, Egypt and Jordan provided several resources into the cultural background which includes religion and traditions, views of disabilities, and lack of health care. ...
Essay on Opioid Agonist Therapy
Nursing Essays
Introduction: The opioid crisis is a troublesome public health issue that has widely spread across the United States. Opioid use disorder (OUD) is associated with HIV and HCV infection, addiction, criminal behaviors, and even death ...
Essay on Parkinson's Disease
Nursing Essays
Introduction: Parkinson’s Disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, after Alzheimer’s. Onset typically occurs late in life, affecting approximately 1% of 65 year olds...
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